I wonder…?

Now, I'm perfectly aware as a “Mental Non-Health Survivor” or whatever the fuck the politically correct term for “crazy person with a history that proves it” is, even if you're “cured”, this shit never goes away… But I've been wondering if my brain is really the main cause of how I'm feeling right now.

As I mentioned, I've lost about ten pounds in the last week (or less). I've also been insanely tired (my sleep requirements have basically doubled), and have had trouble regulating my temperature (perceptually at least; I always feel cold). I have no idea how the pills I am/was taking are causing me to heal as fast as I appear to be from this magnet extration, but I'm assuming they must cause my body to kick into overdrive and maybe it's that which is draining me?

That said, I think it's also very natural to say “surely it's not my mind” and look for another explanation when tricks of the mind are often the simplest explanation. I don't really know. All I know is that rather than wallow in it I'm doing everything I can to achieve a solution with help — because I really feel like I need some help right now — which I think is good, because in the past I'd not have done so.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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