Wow, another long, long day. I got up not too early today, around seven, and worked for an hour or so and then Nefarious got up and we watched a little Bernstain Bears (a promised reward for being really good the evening before) and then cooked up and split an ultra-hearty breakfast (diner-style homefries with onions and so on)… But don't go thinking I'm a good parent or anything — here's Nefarious playing with nunchucks. But they're padded trainers.

But anyway, so I plugged in the UPS, and a massive spark shot out of the plug, and I could see a flash of light from inside the unit. At the same time the lights went out since it had flipped one of the breakers… Nice… So then I put together my speaker stands… oops… my “little” speakers are too heavy and the units won't stand up. Luckily I checked and the return policy makes it a non-issue…
Then I moved on to the monitor mount. My LCD has a folding base that stands it up on a table that I think looks pretty lame when you see it on the wall, even though it mostly folds flat. Unfortunately it is not “officially” removable, so I decided to try and take it off anyway… I unscrewed everything, but apparently they've designed it so you can't get it apart. No problem — I just cut the base in half with a jigsaw! Yeah, one of my favorite tools is a Sawzall…

But the TV looks awesome on the wall (Phil helped get it straight) — I even drilled through so there'd be no cables hanging… I might end up doing the same for my speakers. When I have a chance I'll swap the stands that don't work for wall mounts I think.

Oh yeah, and I've added quite a lot of new posts on ModBlog today. That blog has built up a nice readership, and I think people are enjoying it, but I'm still considering what it's future will be… I'm in part considering phasing out publishing it, but still writing it, so it can go exclusively to print publication, but I'm not sure yet. And now, I am done for the day! Whew!
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