So I finished the first final draft of the arm wrestling shirt for my brother and his crew. The whole thing (front and back, including text) is drawn by hand. I work by drawing by hand, scanning that, printing it lightly, and then drawing over that (in part or in full), and repeating the process until I've got it as needed… basically hand drawing with computer assistance. I kind of like it:

Other than that, I had a really nice night out with Marty and his mother (and Badur too). Marty is one of my older online friends and someone I really relate to — and he's leaving for Dallas tomorrow for at least six weeks. It was like old times, downing pitchers of blonde on Queen Street…
And continued well wishes to my apparently both cured and blessed friend Lane, who, assuming he makes it to fifty, will have one of the greatest autobiographies of anyone I know. Seriously, check out his page if you're an IAM member for a crazy story. Along those lines I should mention that the very talented Steve Truitt will be in Edmonton, Alberta for the next little while, so drop him a line if you're in the area and looking for advanced work.

Other than that, I apologize, but it's going to be tomorrow before I post to ModBlog next.
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