So Google approved me (for Zentastic anyway, perhaps the least “offensive” of my journals) for AdSense. I wasn't sure if my blog was too “pornographic” for them but I guess they reviewed it and decided the content was acceptable. Either that or it's a scam, and they'll yank my account a la PayPal[sucks] right before owing a payment.
I was actually thinking that Google must make an absolute fortune off of unclaimed money. I think they don't pay you until you make $50, which for most small blogs probably takes quite a long time — months if not years in many cases. As such, I'd wager that a significant percentage of small bloggers quit the program before being paid, and my best guess says that Google is probably netting a couple million extra a year for this… to say nothing of the interest that the money collects until a payment point is hit.
That said, if their software can't figure out how to put less lame-ass ads in place, I'm gonna dump it myself. Well, in either case, I think I'm allowed to tell you how much I make, so I'll post about that as a point of trivia (although, oh crap, I just clicked on one of my own ads because it looked interesting, so maybe they'll cancel me for that).
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