Lazy Day


There's a BME update (images, all sections) processing right now, but I'm not sure yet whether you'll actually see it later tonight or first thing in the morning. When I uncompress it on the server, you may see the site go offline (temporarily) if we decide to turn off web services while it's happening.

Slow day today on the whole. Michael and I did a run to the dump down at Cherry Beach, but we were early so we went out for lunch at Kubo (a pretty decent place at Queen and Logan; if I'm there again though I'll go to Pulp I think). We drove around the ports for a while, and then when 3:30 hit got weighed and dropped off 170 kilograms of crap. It's enormous fun throwing bags up onto the mountains of trash.

As well as that and general work, Nefarious and I did a bunch of painting (right)… The top painting (the one that's pixelated to hide what's coming) is mine of course and the more abstract piece is hers. She gets to use any paints that are left on my palette when I'm done with a given colorset. I think it's actually the first time she's gotten to paint with anything this thick (she's using acrylics with textured gels and modelling pastes mixed in) so it's been as much experimenting with how paint moves as being representational.

Because she's using my left-overs, I have some control over the process even though I've taken no role in applying it… I figure that as long as I provide colors in an interesting order, it'll turn out alright.

Well, now to create about six hundred new user accounts from the update, write up and post my ModBlog entries for the day, have some supper, and then try and relax for a while… Rachel is coming here to visit (and then we're all off to Edmonton next week) on Thursday or Friday so I have at least a little time to make sure everything is clean.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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