Sorry I haven't posted here as much as I'd like. I have a great article half written on why “Intelligent Design” is right — but not in a way that involves a God. Anyway, the non-posting is because of all the stresses lately (server)… I mostly try and keep ModBlog updated because that generates memberships (which pays for the servers). I should add, since there's been some concern about me being too lecherous (to the point of being disrespectful of Rachel) on that site, that the voice I write in is tongue in cheek and intended to drum up interest in BME/HARD. So please don't think that I'm actually hitting on people or desperately horny — it's just a fun persona that I write with there.
ANYWAY. So I thought I'd show you more phonecam pictures of what I do in the morning before I head off to get my inner finger tattoos touched up this afternoon. Mostly we build a lot of towers with blocks and stack them up with animals:
Other than that, I've had some wonderful news in the publishing sphere and have been asked to be involved in another very exciting project (which I will wait to mention in detail until it's done). I say this every year, but this is a year that a lot of positive things could happen in my life, even if the year started on an unpleasant note. I've said that (the first part) almost every year, and I think it's always been true… Definitely a good thing if you move through life believing this could be the best year yet? It's like the opposite of the psychologist scene in Office Space.
That said, if I had a million dollars…
PS. Get Well!
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