Their day versus My day

1: congratulations to Clive and Gillian!

And now on to my far less exciting day. We went and checked out some graverobbed corpses and people killed in Chinese prisons to amuse Germany with Eric and Andy (and then enjoyed some of their cuisine). Jordan is on his way over now and of course my sister is hanging out also.

Oh, and I finished the painting for Nefarious's room…. While I appreciate the very generous notes telling me how nice it is, honestly, if you think this (or most of what I do) is a painting that needs talent, then you need to pick up some paint and start throwing it at a canvas. Anyone can do it.

I like high gloss modelling gels

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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