Legos and Beavers

Here is mostly what I spend my mornings doing as I do the single dad thing (ok, that's not really true because Jon is here and it's more of a “my two dads” type situation — am I Paul Reiser or Greg Evigan?). I've always loved blocks, Lego; anything that involves building. I actually play with them at night after Nefarious goes to bed as well:

In a little while we're going to go for a walk and have dub brunch at the diner down the street. It's a nice walk that includes the three-story old iron bridge over the railroad tracks that run through the Junction. Even though we do have a car right now, I've walked more in Toronto than I have anywhere in years.

Other than that, it's been rumored that sometimes companies use subliminal sexual references when marketting a product. I can't imagine such a thing is true?

Maybe it's the guarana, maybe it's the sildenafil citrate, I'm not sure…
    but I do know that I really feel a craving.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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