Time, please pass quickly

Tomorrow you should see updates posted to both sites; some of it is uploading now. Thank you everyone for your patience (minus the small number of you who've been dicks about it).

As well as catch up work I did a little preliminary development on moving the current IAM codebase from a CGI model to an ISAPI model to dramatically increase the efficiency of the system… I really wish I'd written it this way from the start. Anyway, I think that with a move of this type I should be able to expand the current IAM system to handle a hundred thousand members or more.

I know I'm supposed to take a day on the weekend off — that was my New Year's resolution — but I think I will spend it working out of neccessity to keep my mind from sinking in an ocean of tears… Without something to occupy me I'll just get increasingly depressed and lost about Rachel being away on business. Yeah, I'm a big baby or something but it really hurts me a lot and I have trouble getting through even a few days of loneliness. In the morning I'm taking Saira to the bus station so she can go back to Toronto which is also sad. Phil cooked a real nice supper for me though (pictures on his page I think) which was greatly appreciated and very veganalicious.

Other than that, I'm getting nervous that our maid is stealing but it's hard to say if it's simply stuff getting misplaced… It's just that weird stuff keeps going missing like bags of socks, kitchen utensils, and even things like t-shirts. Most of it doesn't even really make sense to rip off because it has no real value and is easily identified as mine. Meh, I don't get why people do the things they do, it's so strange…
Update: OK, I am currently wearing one of the things I thought was stolen. I'd looked at it a dozen times in my search, but somehow couldn't see it… Boy do I feel dumb about that! I hope that all the other items have the same explanation.

Not that I'd rather be a rhino on account of poachers, but sometimes I do wish my encounters with humans were limited to curious tourists feeding me. That's not asking much, right?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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