Today in search of someone to fix the transmission problems on my Manta Montage (which is built around a Chevy 350 V8 mated to a mid-80s Porsche 5-speed transmission) I went out with my mechanic to the wrecking yard district about four kilometers outside La Paz… As you would expect, it's legions of old cars scattered in haphazard piles amidst immense ancient cacti on the desert hills, and in the middle of this graveyard are open air mechanics shops performing Frankensteinian miracles in building pristine auto componets from all the death.
I'll try and take a picture next time I head back (which will be Wednesday).

I'm feeling lonely* already because Rachel is out of town (getting one of her sleeves finally completed among other things) for a few days (thankfully she's back by New Year's, which is the fifth anniversary of when we met), and the only “person” here in the house is a tiny yet giant pain in the ass that insists on sleeping in my lap all day long. To be clear I'm talking about Rachel's chihuahua, Tater.

* No offense intended to Saira, Michael, Rafael, and my other friends here in La Paz!
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