BMEbooks Update

First, I wanted to remind people that there is now only one week left if you'd like to apply for the contract doing the Best of BME QOD book. More details are posted here. If I have received your application, I have ack'd you back an “I got it” note, so if you didn't get that, please be sure to resend (and IM me for confirmation if you want).

Other than that, I've got Quark installed on this computer and am pushing through the second edition of Ed Cushman's wonderful book Losing a Hand, and hope to have it ready for the presses in about two weeks. Other books in the queue include a project by Orbax, a follow-up to the ModCon book by me, the QOD book above, and one other very amazing book that I don't want to mention because I'm currently negotiating the translation rights.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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