I … BME Boys

So Ryan's been asking me to mock up a new “I <3 Tattooed Boys” shirt since there's demand for a re-run of those… On the airplane home I read the truly ignorant book “Porn Generation” by Ben Shapiro. I should have known better because of the recommendations from Ann Coulter and “Dr” Laura Schlessinger, but you've got to know your enemy, right?

Anyway, it's a long diatribe against sexual expression (even masturbation) by anyone not married, with blame for this being leveled at just about everyone as dubious statistical links are drawn, the whole time calling women such as Madonna who express themselves and influence others “dirty no-talent whores” — the book reeks of anger and depression against women in general, and anyone who's sexually active. The author claims we are moving to a “utopian live and let live world” where all behavior that people enjoy is acceptable if it's not hurting anyone else. Um… and that's a bad thing?

Anyway, in celebration of a big fuck you to Ben Shapiro, here's a blatantly Diesel Sweeties inspired idea (they have a similar but much nicer shirt).

That's not a final design or anything, just a joke moke-up. But if someone wants to take the time to draw it (or something similar) up properly and submit it to the t-shirt contest, I make no claims to the concept and you'll get the full reward for your drawing time.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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