You know how I mentioned that an eBay auction (more) was using my car to illustrate the car they claimed to be selling? Using an “illustrative” picture of a nicer car isn't that unusual in the kit car section, so I didn't really think too much of it until someone asked the seller the following question:

Anyway, I suppose I got second-hand involved in not copyright violation, but fraud, since, as you can see below, the car is currently sitting in our garage here in Mexico. Looking at the person's history, it looks like they bought a bunch of items from high-rated sellers in order to generate themselves some street cred, and are now trying to cash it in on a scam auction… Although I see now they've terminated the auction, presumably hoping that eBay won't notice. I really, really hope that it's because they know they're caught, not because they scammed someone into transferring the money “right now”.
I can't easily report it to eBay because they booted us first for selling human skulls, then later for selling pornography and what they called prescription pharmaceuticals (OTC Canada-legal anesthetics), and then finally for selling fake Louis Vuitton gear (and no, it wasn't any more fake than the skulls)… but if someone wants to pass this on to them be my guest.

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