A bit of a rambling entry

I know I haven't mentioned it much lately, but people keep dying in Iraq while Katrina is the main news focus.

Anyway, it's MADness… while people were being killed in Iraq, back in New Orleans, doctors unable to evacuate their critically ill patients had no humane choice but to euthanize their patients. They might have been able to save them, but the (racist) police were blocking people from evacuating. I guess “blocking” was the word of the week, as 15 tons of military rations from Germany were sent back under the ludicrous claim that “they might have mad cow disease”.

For the conspiracy-minded among you, the picture above is from one of the over 600 empty but staffed prison camps set up by FEMA ready to receive Americans should martial law ever be implemented. Right now legally owned and registered weapons are being illegally seized and private security forces, as well as FEMA-directed US military patrol the streets of NOLA, doing who-knows-what to people's homes (or are they just protecting the rich?). Ah, freedom.

Staying in conspiracy land, toxic waste could make New Orleans “unsafe for a decade”, and post-Katrina infections are starting to kill people. Now, those infections were expected and more will follow (coughbird fluecough), but there are also multiple Level-3 biowarfare labs that were potentially opened up by the storm. Bioweaponized baboons roaming the flooded streets? Definitely makes a better science fiction movie than rumors of alligators feasting on corpses.

But at least it's profitable, right?

In more worldly news, China (which has increasing amounts of economic control over America) is pouring its profits into modernizing its military. With America squandering its resources on wars and mismanaged disasters that do little to help the people and a lot to help the megacorporations, inside a fifteen year window you could easily see America no longer be the dominant military superpower… and with new plans for nuclear first strikes announced, coupled with active testing of missiles designed to hit China (who are “secretly” developing an ICBM program themselves), you have to wonder when that clash will break out. China is a far more formidable enemy than Iraq!

In quick other news, three US honor students with no discipline problems and a record of charitable work were suspended from school for dying their hair the wrong color, with no warning and no opportunity to make up lost work — what kind of education system believes that dyed hair (or piercings) are such a grievous sin that they should punish them by putting at risk their college education, and thus endangering the rest of their lives? It's sickening.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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