Uvatiarru Update, August 2005

The website is currently a lot out of date, but I wanted to let people who've been asking know that the Uvatiarru movie project is still totally on the go. I have a new person coming on to help full time with BME (“what? new BME gossip!?”) in September, and once that happens I'll finally have time again to dedicate to the film and to writing (and interviewing).

As you should know, there are two old Uvatiarru trailers on the website that you can check out, and there's also an earlier “behind the scenes” trailer, some footage from the Argentina shoot, as well as two from when it was still called Cured, a trailer from when the movie was doing its BVI tour and even the very first trailer (UK filming). Today I wanted to post for you a brief teaser trailer with behind the scenes footage from Jon Cobb's filming in Myanmar, Vietnam, and Cambodia (among other places).

I should emphasize that these are just rough cuts and have not been color corrected or worked on like they are in the final product. Please watch it fullscreen with sound turned on — the music is Joy by Circulatory System. The clip (which you can download by clicking above) is a twenty meg WMV file. You can also view some stills below.

So yes… to everyone who's persistently asking, this is still an active project!
What do you think of the trailers? (well?)

One Comment

  1. Ambassador wrote:

    Is there any possibility to see the Uvatiarru? To purchase or download?

    Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 1:56 am | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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