
I'm sure they were just taking pictures of his tattoos, right? Everyone loves black forearms; best tattoo motif ever. Thanks to Efrain for going to the Mermaid Parade and taking some photos.

And let me just say that some of the folks fired from Comcast recently for chaging customer names are f'ing brilliant. Jeffery Scrotum Bag Barnes? I've been laughing about that one for the last hour!

One of the things I talked about with Rachel when we were in Africa about how great it would be to transplant big game into America… Well, it looks like it might happen — if America can bring back the buffalo (ok, maybe they can't), why not elephants? But the one I'm really looking forward to is wooly mammoth hybrids but that's a ways away. Human extinction on the other hand…

PS. Beer for kids? That's an even worse idea than chocolate cigarettes.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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