I am very very happy to say that today Canada fully legalized gay marriage. Our Prime Minister (ie. “President”) said on the matter, This “is about the Charter of Rights. We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights. A right is a right and that is what this vote tonight is all about.”
The piece of shit right wingers, led by bigots from — no surprise — Alberta, promise to work to win the next election so they can repeal Canada's Charter of Rights, saying — I kid you not — that Canada's quest for “a just society” is what's wrong with the nation. Seriously, fuck them. Canada seeking to create a just nation is what's good about Canada, and what makes it Canada.
Another Liberal MP rejected the Conservative hatemongering, saying, “I have not compromised my faith in supporting this legislation. I have embraced it. The fact that we (in Canada) are among the first is not something we should hide. It's something we should celebrate. [We are] a nation of equality. A nation of strength. A nation of compassion. A nation that believes we're stronger together than we are apart. And a nation where we celebrate equality; we will send a statement to the world that in Canada gays and lesbians will not be considered second-class citizens.”

I am very happy that BME's servers are back in Canada and that my tax dollars are again supporting a nation going in the right direction.
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