Somehow I don't think this particular advertising copy would be used today — not that it's not how Republicans love to think of themselves. This is from a 1966 review of the Intermeccanica Fitch Phoenix, a very rare car from a fascinating little company:
"It's something else, Mate. It handles like a cross between a late-model Porsche and the best Corvair you ever drove in your life. The bodywork is wild. It doesn't look like anything you're used to, but you know instantly that it's SOMETHING!
Rich! Virile! Republican!"
If you're wondering what the funny bulges at the rear of the front fenders are, they're storage compartments for the spare tires! I think the late sixties and early seventies are by far my favorite era for sportscars… Speaking of flashy, I wanted to point out what BMEshop just got in stock:
Sorry they're split up somewhat confusingly, but the new BMEshop finally gets unveilled on July 1st, so you can expect big changes then that will, among other things, make BMEshop much easier to use.
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