One of the fascinating things about George “My Democracy” Bush is that with all his claims of wanting to seed the world with democracy, he really seems to despise the concept… Seeing as he's said it at least three times publicly, I'm sure everyone remember's Bush's commentary that “a dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier.” Keep that in mind when you read this story that 62% of Americans (and growing) disapprove of the President's Social Security plan. His response? “I don't care what all the naysayers say”, or to put it in different terms, “I don't care what the majority says.”
Along the same lines (and contradicting the claims of Bushies that the insurgency is mostly “foreign militants”, and that “the average Iraqi is happy we're there”), US Major General Joseph Taluto in Iraq has described “99.9%” of the insurgency as “good, honest Iraqis” who are “offended by [US] presence” in Iraq. They want a democracy he says, and the voice of their democracy appears to be saying one thing to America — go home.
Stories about over-the-top recruiters continue to fill the news as the military misses its recruiting goals month after month and hemorrhages current staff sick of being mistreated — let alone getting killed by roadside bombs, currently the number one killer in Iraq. While maintaining that it is “unlikely” to be used, the draft system is on full alert and ready to start calling people up, be it for another deceitful war, or an extension on a current one.
Back at home, Bush continues to fearmonger and promote the police surveillance state, while at the same time continuing to work against the American people and for the American corporation. In a recent anti-tobacco lawsuit, not only were the Justice Department pushed from above to cut their demands, but government lawyers actually asked two of their own witnesses to make their testimony less damaging… So that's what hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes to Bush and the Republicans buys you.

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