First another not-terribly-exciting editing of “what Shannon ate”. Today I made a tomato sauce with various fresh vegetables; fresh tomatoes, green pepper, cactus, white onion, whole young onion, garlic, and mushrooms (they were canned though; it's hard to get good fresh mushrooms in La Paz for some reason). Spicing is pretty basic; salt, pepper, some powdered chile, and a bit of paprika and cumin, and then lightly cooked in olive oil and the vegetable juices.

Other than that I've been working hard refining the BMEvideo software (the stuff that lets me add and process videos, build the site, issue memberships, and so on), tweaking it as I slowly add everything from my current archive. I should mention that as a thank you to the people who are part of the initial posting, I'm issuing extra long memberships.

I can accept videos in any format and any quality.
Help me make this site great!
PS. If you'd rather mail in content, just write me and I'll give you a snailmail dropsite, and in a week or so I hope to have an FTP dropsite set up as well for those that have email caps that don't allow them to send videos.
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