Got these rather disturbing pictures from Dan at Lower Eastside in Toronto (check out his page for some intense self-implant pictures by the way) of a rusted and embedded nostril piercing that came into his shop:
"Here's two pics of why not to wear shitty mall jewelry. This is a nose bone that I had to pull out of someones face. If you look at the piece you can see that its rusting!!! Not to mention the purpleness on the womans face, in reality it's quite grey and that will last forever."

My question is: how is it possible to wait for it to get that bad? I mean if something is seriously wrong like this…what took the person so long to get it taken care of?
I agree with Kaylee. How could someone not realize that something was not right? If they were cleaning it each day, then wouldn’t they be able to see that it was getting infected? This person should go see a doctor because that is an infection if I ever have seen one!
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