Product Placement

I got this “behind the scenes” photo of a tattoo being done done at Ink Addiction in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The filming is for the MTV show True Life (this episode will air some time in September). Now, what I'm actually wondering about is the prominent HUSTLER banner that looks a little out of place (not that tattoo artists don't enjoy porn).

While I guess it's possible that it always hangs there (write me if you know for sure), I also can't see MTV not saying “that's gonna have to come down” since it's going to really clearly promote HUSTLER (or maybe they'll just pixellate it in post-production). Anyway, my question is this: does HUSTLER have a product placement relationship with MTV, and if so, isn't it a little odd advertising hard core porn on “youth-oriented” television (not that many people don't see MTV as the border of soft core)?

Well, I wish I could say my conspiracy lust was true in this case, but I guess it's always there. Here's the first two messages I got on the subject:

The hustler banner is always there. There is a huge hustler store in the area. Many people that get tattoos there work in the store.


A large Hustler store recently opened up in the city and many people display Hustler logos on their cars and personal property. A great deal of the staff at this particular Hustler is also tattooed. Perhaps one of the employees at Ink Addiction is a parttime employee. Who knows?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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