I am totally wiped out and my ear hasn't adjusted yet from the flight, so I have a bit of dizziness and a headache… But I had a good time seeing everyone in Chicago yesterday and today (for the next 16 hours or something) I'm in Toronto, and then it's back on an airplane. Then I have to work like a madman for a few days, then I'm off to Las Vegas for a week (I have to work while I'm there), and then I think two days off and I have to go to France for a week and a half. Dead by BMEfest?
Anyway, in the absence of being up to writing my own entry, I just got this press release from Tyler Fire (link goes to the interview The Lizardman did with him).
Monday April 25th at 9 pm and again at MidnightMonster Garage
on the Discovery Channnel - the wonderful folks who brought you "Stomachs of Steel", "Coney Island", and "Alive on the Inside"On a cold snowy New York City winter day - Tyler flew out to sunny Long Beach, California to join four other dynamite builders and our fearless leader Jesse James of West Coast Choppers to begin our five days of destruction on an RV that should have been headed for retirement and turn it into a funhouse fit for the midway.
The gas tank was empty - the grey water tank was full - the RV was too big to fit in the shop - it rained almost every day - the Monster Garage doesn't keep carnival ride parts in stock - Jay Leno sent his intern over for welding lessons - blood pooled up on the floor when one member of the build team busted their head open - The Groovy Ghoulies invaded to play a set in the Monster Garage - Slymenstra Hymen showed up and electrocuted a midget - GWAR played in Hollywood and Tyler decided to go without sleep for most of the week. It was a blast.
Did we win and all go home with five grand in Mac Tools?
Or did we lose and go home with nothing but cuts and bruises?
I also want to mention the promo auction for the new Philip Barbosa Ascension gallery show. In order to pay for the printing, Phil is lottery-ing ($10 per ticket) several artists proofs from ModCon IV. Click the picture to jump to his page and get involved:

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