I've been very light on the political entries lately, mostly due to time issues, but there's a set today that disgusts me so much that I really feel I have to mention. It's no surprise that US corporate corruption is over the top, with a fairly endless stream of stories of one company after another collecting multi-million-dollar payoffs and then giving nothing back to either the US or Iraq.

It's not just big companies taking advantage of it. Having your partner dragged away for years at a time can put a hell of a strain on a marriage, and many families have been destroyed because of it. To make matters worse, courts are effectively accepting the argument that being in the military makes someone an unfit parent and people are losing custody battles while drafted to fight in Iraq… Can you imagine the horror of having to go and fight in a war you don't want to be in, and then having your kids taken away because of it? It's no wonder recruiters are scrambling…
Compare the pictures in this entry and understand
how war affects the rich and poor differently.
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