As much as I love beer, I'm not sure that I'd get the custom license plate that my next door neighbor has… It feels like a recipe for getting pulled over all the time. As much as I don't really mind paying bribes, it would probably get tiresome after a while.

Make sure to tell yourself that this is cool
And make sure to tell yourself that you have no choice
And make sure to tell your friends that they drive you to it
And that you can quit anytime
That you want, anytime
Also on the car theme, my dunebuggy got wrecked yesterday. Not destroyed or anything, but damaged to the point where it's got to be stripped down to the chassis to repair it (it's only a minor problem, but because of how buggies are built, sometimes minor problems require a complete dismantling). It's just sort of irritating when my vehicles get damaged when I lend them to other people. Not for “blame” reasons, but maybe because if something of mine gets broken, I want to be the one breaking it? I think if it was something I did to it, it would feel more “natural”… I know when I crashed my TT shortly after getting it, it bothered the guy whose bodykit-import-thing I smashed into was a lot more upset than I was.
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