I can do anything I want. And so can you.


First, an amusing picture to start the entry off right:

For some reason before today I thought Donny Darko was a gangster movie. I don't know why I had that misconception, but because scenes and characters from the movie are a popular tattoo motif (the image on the right is by Jimmy Lomax), I've always wondered, “who is this mafioso, and why is he dressed as a rabbit?”

Clive lent me the DVD today and I watched it on monitor number two as I worked on the other one and it cleared up my misconceptions. Anyway, as someone who's been falsely accused of being a schizophrenic because of unusually fine-tuned senses and perceptions about the world, I enjoyed the movie a great deal. It reminded me also that I need to tell some amusing stories about testing the water as to past, ongoning, and future crimes with the doctor assigned to my case… As it turns out, doctors in Canada won't turn you in to the cops unless you're actually going to kill someone — embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars they'll keep a secret, and even discuss with you in detail!

I think I can talk about these things now because about a decade has passed, and someone else has already confessed to the crimes (and been convicted as well). Jedi mindtricks? Not really… But maybe a lawyer reading this will send me a note along the lines of “Shannon, you really need to shut the hell up before you get yourself in trouble!”

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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