Out of Africa

Driving back from Sun City we passed through a rural region that was a mix of what appeared to be largely subsistence farming (tiny farms well under an acre, next to houses ranging from tin shacks to concrete homes similar to what we have in Mexico) and platinum mining, with the mines immediately surrounded by the nicest homes in the area. I assume they were supplied by the corporation for management. Here's what the mines looked like:

I mentioned the turtle-dealer earlier this week… At every major intersection were a variety of umbrellaed drink and souvenir vendors — mostly beautiful wood carvings and bowls at a fraction of the cost of what they'd price at post-exportation. Occasionally a sign would warn not to patronize them, but it didn't seem to discourage them (or the tourists).

As much as nicer homes had been built inside the mining compounds and around the resorts, the vast majority of people here live in shantytowns built from tin and other found materials, with the occasional burned out car chassis in the middle, supported by bricks, apparently being given a valiant attempt to one day make it run again. But I fear this dreams will no more come true than I am to walk into a funeral home and have a Lazarus moment.

After an afternoon in Johannesburg, it was off to Zurich (left photo below) on an overnight flight, and then a short hour and a half hop north to Amsterdam (right photo).

It's really nice being back in Amsterdam. Yes, it's a little dirty, and there are a few too many twitchy fellows wandering the streets, but I always like it here. Maybe it's the drug addiction, maybe it's the sex and pornography addiction, but more likely I'm just a sucker for freedom and multi-culturalism. Rachel and I have talked on more than one occasion about getting an apartment here.

Before you say anything about the right photo, remember, when in Rome…

Anyway, I think my connection here is OK, so I'm going to try and post at least a thousand or so new images to BME later tonight. That is if I don't succumb totally to my adherence to local customs.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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