My big thing in life is consent. I've been involved in a number of projects that push human behavior even farther than BME does (like, a contact site for “murders seeking victims” and vice-versa, currently offline), but for all of them the thing that unifies them is consent. I feel very strongly that if someone can give clear and informed consent for an act that doesn't harm anyone else — even if it harms them — they should be permitted to do so… and if consent can not be given for an action, it needs to be very carefully considered. That's part of the reason I get so angry when people try to censor BME (and a part of why I'm vegan, which may give me neurological blessings).

Obviously the question is a lot more complicated than just that, but that is a part of it. Well, if that's already starting to give you nightmares, try and focus on the picture below. The goal of the game is, as it often is on my page, to try and figure out exactly what you're looking at. The answer will be in one of the next BME/HARD updates.

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