A few days ago I mentioned being on a bus with a Mormon missionary. The story I forgot to include was of his conversation with the guy from Guadalajara. The local guy had brough along a bunch of Modelo-brand beer and had generously offered to share it with others, which turned into a chat about beer around the world. After talking about different brands of Mexican beer for a while, the American guy said to him — with complete sincerity and a straight face — “Yeah, we have pretty good beer in the States as well… some of the best kinds are Miller Lite and Coors Lite.”

The Effects of American Beer
Maybe I've drank a little bit too much Québécois Apocalypse Beer, but I don't think I could get drunk off anything ending with a four letter synonym for “light”, no matter how much I drank.
In any case, real Americans do cocaine.
DISCLAIMER: This is a humorous entry. There are tons of good microbrews in America. Just avoid anything ending in “LITE”.
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