UnderMars update (undermars.com)

In the last two weeks Michael Moore, Raed, and news around the world have demanded that the Pentagon/DoD investigate Under Mars, a documentary site of first-hand war photos that I host. I have received many angry emails about it wishing any number of terrible fates upon me (most assuming I am a US soldier), and a few of support as well. I have no plans to publish these letters because the site is intended to be apolitical and I feel the letters would violate that. So don't ask.

Warning: Site is extremely graphic.

In doing this site I've put myself and my family at risk from all sides, to say nothing of the thousands of dollars of bandwidth it has run through already. I hope I am making the right decision in keeping it running, as I believe very strongly it is important to show the experience of war for what it is, without censoring or political commentary in order to help people absorb the experience.

Thank you to those of you who have supported me in this effort and the site, and especially to one person who made it possible in the first place. The fact that the site even exists though breaks my heart.

War must end, but before then we must all face it.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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