So there's a new PR broadcast out from the folks at al Qaeda.
"[Liberty as construed by America is based on] usurious banks, giant companies, misleading media outlets and the destruction of others for material gain."
OK, I'll buy that. However, after that it spins off into a bunch of anti-gay and anti-woman statements that might as well have been said by Bush himself. It's funny — the more a politician talks about “freedom”, the less inclined they are to accept someone else's notion of freedom.
There's a new 9/11 report that the Bush administration is trying to bury, and it's one of the most damning ones so far. In short, before September 11th, numerous agencies were aware of al Qaeda's plans, and not only ignored but actively blocked the information from being released.
Now, you may remember that prior to 9/11 a computer hacker named “Mike” Vreeland in Canadian prison who claims both to have worked for the Pentagon and to have hacked the Pentagon warned his Canadian jailers of the attacks, saying he'd discovered documents describing them in detail, along with the note “let one happen, stop the rest… we could use this“.

I suspect that they had no idea they'd be so successful or that they'd take down the towers.

We've seen a number of high-end Republicans recently outed as gay and lose their careers over it (with strange Mossad tie-ins reminding me of the Vanunu seduction), but the “Jeff Gannon” story really pushes it over the top. For those of you who don't know it, “Jeff Gannon” (actually James Guckert) was granted White House press credentials under a fake name, and kept asking fluff questions of Bush like “how do you deal with Democrats who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?”

Even without any conspiracy added, you've got a gay prostitute with top Republican neo-con ties, operating under an assumed identity accessing classified documents and having free reign of the White House, the whole time working with the sponsorship of the GOP.
Weird world.
I hope one day he flips like Vreeland did.
Not that anyone believed Vreeland.
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