One of these days…

…I'm going to publish an entry made up of nothing but screencaps of AIM and other IM conversations that happen to be in the background of photos that people send me. Sometimes I think it's included on purpose, other times it's obvious that it's not.

Along those lines, about eight years ago I published photos of a DIY labia piercing. The cork used to catch the needle was from a wine bottle, and in big letters along the side it said, “COMMENTS? CALL US AT 1-800-XXX-XXXX”. It took them some time to find the source, but a few years after posting it I got an email from the winery saying (as I recall), “We're not angry, but could you please take our 800 number off that picture? We've been getting perverted phone calls for the last three years!”


Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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