I have a political/TOS question for people. If someone has on their page a list of favorite bands that includes things like BlackSStorm and other pro-14 words NSBM bands, how would you like me to handle it? What if they had an offsite page like this, where they talk about being a “racial purist” and crack jokes about killing Mexicans? (That's a copy I made last night, although I've removed their picture and broken some of the links because that's not the point of this entry).

Read the entry before you get angry at me!
I know what my opinion on this is, but what are your feelings on the subject? How do you want this sort of thing handled? Where do you want the line drawn? Do you want one drawn at all? The attached comment forum forces anonymous posting to encourage people to speak freely on the subject. (If you're not an IAM member feel free to drop me an email about it).
Note: If you are concerned that I'm going to “look up” your anonymous ID information (which I have no intent of doing), you can click here (after posting) which resets your anonymous ID and would make it an immense pain in the ass for even me to try and figure out who made the post.
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