I've post posted a bit over a thousand new images to BME/extreme (and e2) and BME/HARD with lots of good stuff and a ton of bonus gallery updates. Thank you to all the contributors as always, and to Alice for being the cover model.
First let me introduce the next segment of this entry. I believe that sex is the purest form of communication. On top of that, I believe that sexual body modification is the purest form of art. That's where my thinking lies. I know not every agrees, but one of the things I'm learned over time is that most people don't “get” most things. It's one of the reasons people keep dying in wars.
Since this is one of those cock-strocking-pussy-rubbing-pervo updates, I figure it's a good time to quote a conversation I had about whether it's appropriate or not to include hardcore content in BME/News (this is regarding the Modified Escorts interview). To be clear, I've got no hard feelings against the person I was chatting with (although the great irony is that their username contains an obscenity — an actual you-can't-say-that-on-TV attempt to be vulgar — whereas of course sex is rarely that… not that you can show it on TV), but I hope this conversation helps clarify where my head is at on this issue. Anyway, my general philosophy is that if someone's got something they enjoy doing, and it's not hurting anyone else, BME is generally going to support them in that.
I simply find that the aspects of BME which involve adult content should be kept under the areas of BME designated for that content, such as the HARD and EXTREME galleries. I have no problem with the material being on the site, but the fact that it was on the front page sent me the wrong message. I merely found it a poor representation of BME as a whole, and I think that many IAM'ers would agree. My only objection is to the photos that went beyond nudity to actual sexual intercourse and oral sex, I think that, though this may be a valid topic, should be kept in the more “openly” adult sections of BME.
First I'll say (although I know this isn't a point that you've raised) that legally minors shouldn't be looking at the site at all except in those few countries that don't have aggressive porn laws (Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands, most of the Scandinavian countries, and a couple Eastern European and South American nations). Normally I'd not include sexual content of that type, but in this case I really felt it was right to illustrate Kayce's personality, she's really a full-on cliché'd “nympho” character I think… Whereas the other girls had very different personalities. I suspect you're right that many people would prefer to keep it segregated, but I feel very strongly that BME should be a no-limits place in terms of this type of expression, and I feel that's in part what differentiates it from other sites and magazines. These standards all change from year to year, time to time… I figure by just skipping standards altogether you can talk more honestly and in a way that serves history better. I understand the minor aspect, but there are some adults that might be put off as well (small point). I understand your decision, I'm just saying it was unexpected and a little offputting. I'm not anti-porn, I just believe in the segregation of the site. I'll be honest, I really don't care if people who are put off by that stop reading the articles — if fact, I hope it makes them stop reading BME — because I suspect these articles are beyond their ability to understand… If a person isn't open enough to be able to handle sexuality, they won't be able to handle the other subjects on the site either. |
Now… I have some things to mention. First of all, SCAR WARS, the world's first gathering of top scarification artists and enthusiasts… it's from the mind that helped create ModCon, Shawn Porter. Check out his page for the first promo fundraiser shirt (this one drawn by Dave Gillstrap):

If you want to go — it will be held in Philadelphia, PA most likely in April although the date may shift slightly — you need to do two things. First, you'll need to introduce yourself to Shawn and get your space reserved. Second (and you can do these things at the same time), you need to talk to your favorite practitioner (or more than one if you're wanting to do a fusion piece) about what you're getting and confirm an appointment. It is a private event so you will have to confirm in advance.
Please contact Shawn via IAM or ScarWars.net for more info.
Finally, one last thing to promote — The Lizardman is running another Q&A column, so he's got a questions forum up on his page. If you'd like to take part in that, shoot over their now and ask your question. Do him a favor though and check out the previous Q&As so the same questions don't get asked over and over. That means no asking him if he has Jesus in his heart.
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