Gotta love the end times… at least the news is vibrant.
Oh wait…
Vibrant means “full of life”, right?
One of the things that always impresses me about insurgency groups is just how sharp their media outlets and PR teams are — yes, they really do have “offices” and “advertising executives” — war is as much marketing as it is murder. The timing and messages of Osama's tapes to the West, the beheading videos, and so on all illustrate this very clearly. You may remember that a little while ago Bush said to the insurgents in Iraq, “bring it on,” goading them to kill more young Americans — which they did. Well, now they've released a video goading back:
"George W. Bush; you have asked us to 'bring it on'. And so help me, (we will) like you never expected. Do you have another challenge?," asked the narrator before the video showed explosions around a U.S. military Humvee vehicle.A masked guerrilla from an unknown group called the Islamic Jihad Army, eschewing past impassioned Arabic-language threats of holy war, told U.S. soldiers: "This is not your war, nor are you fighting for a true cause in Iraq."
"To the American soldiers we say you can also choose to fight tyranny with us. Lay down your weapons and seek refuge in our mosques, churches and homes. We will protect you," he said.
"We also thank France, Germany and other states for their positions, which we need to say are considered wise and valid until now," said the narrator, who also urged economic warfare against Washington. "Stop using the U.S. dollar. Use the Euro or a basket of currencies,"
But it's all good, right? Sorry, not good, but Good. A capital letter makes all the difference.
So… what's the “Good reason” for America becoming yet another in a long, long line of fallen nations — do you really think the Greeks or the Romans thought their empires (which in relative terms were much larger and much more powerful than America) would fall? Do you really think the Aztecs or the Egyptians saw it coming until it was too late? Hubris is a bitch, especially when tainted by religion.
So far Bush has directly given $1.2 billion of government money (as in taxation profits) to church groups, and he promises to increase that and make it more accessible in the future. With that, and the other religious themes that have played out in this administration, consider these quotes, first from President Bush, and the second from his father, the former President Bush.
"I don't see how you can be president at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a relationship with the Lord."
- President George W Bush"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
- President George HW Bush
In regards to the latter quote, the Bush Campaign later officially followed up by saying “everything that the American Atheist does is bullshit” (for clarity, AA is a magazine). That's a literal quote, and no apology or retraction has ever been made.
Better get used to the foul objects. Start meditating.
As you probably know, this recent election in the Ukraine that's been so disputed only has so much to do with the people of the Ukraine — it's part of a much larger struggle where superpowers fight their battles in these international ghetto nations. Yushchenko, the American crook contender, who doesn't even hide that he's married to a CIA agent that refuses to immigrate to the Ukraine, was heavily funded not just by the US but by Israel as well (the other crook contender was funded by Russia). Well, that's all it took to solidify the largest arms deal in over a decade in a half between Russia and Syria, including a ton of SA-18 and Iskander E missiles. The Iskander just big enough to be able to deliver the new Iranian nukes to most of Israel — although it's not as devastating as Iran's Sunburn missiles.

But, even still, Bush says he's happy with the course the US is on, especially in Iraq, even though the WMD search (which cost taxpayers a full billion dollars) has been officially called off with the conclusion that not only did Saddam not have WMDs, he had no plans to obtain them. Why? At this point a million Americans have been forced over to Iraq, tens of thousands of them coming back severely injured and thousands coming back in coffins — some committing suicide to avoid going back — Iraq is less stable with more insurgents, even Saddam wasn't as “evil” as America in the eyes of Iraqis, and America is becoming a “permanent counter-terrorist state, which uses torture, cross-border death squads and even collective punishments to defeat perceived enemies in Iraq and around the world.”
So… why is Bush happy about this?
Let's quote George Bush directly regarding why he invaded Iraq:
"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East."
- President George W Bush
Good going, “God”. Next time you have your humble servant Dubya invade a nation, at least give him a better excuse, because I'm pretty sure you also said something or other about lies making baby jesus cry. I could be wrong — after all, “Deuteronomy” is such a funny word I've probably got a prank version of the Bible.. but still, Chapter 5, verse 20 is somewhat convincing.
Under Bush's Has that dumb fuck never read Isaiah? You don't bring about the rapture; you wait for it. I suppose the world looks a little different when you're dying though.
doomsday cult evangelical faith, in order to bring about the Rapture, the Jews need to rebuild the Temple Mount, at which point Jesus comes and takes all the Born Agains to heaven and kills everyone else. However, first they have to sacrifice a pure red heifer and burn it — evangelical US farming groups have been working hard to import them into the West Bank over the past decade. Unfortunately for the final step to take place, the Al Aqsa Mosque (which stands in the place of the Temple Mount) must first be destroyed — AKA the problem in the Middle East.

Well, at least it means more lawnmower racing in Texas.
Oh yeah, and did you know that it's legal for schools in America to do mass strip-searches of minors if one of them is suspected of having taken a $10 bill?
I somewhat jokingly mentioned moving to Canada or Mexico above (of the two I recommend Mexico, mostly because its immigration policies are much more welcoming). If you're interested in that, do it soon, because America is rapidly becoming a walled-off nation where none can enter and none can leave, a la the largest eras of communist regimes. Yesterday an entire British Airways 747 was turned around mid-flight and returned to London because on the flight was a French man with the same last name (“Badji” — watch out Badur, you're next) as someone suspected of having ties with a suspected Moroccan terrorist group. The man is not under current investigation and has never been investigated for any terrorist act, and British Airways has said that there was never any risk.
Well, if you stay, at least there are lots of jobs in the child army of God, at least if you're young, expendable, and not particularly wealthy.
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