Decisions — Flying — Shirts

It seems like the more feedback I get the harder this decision is getting! It's really interesting to see how the different bubbles that people live in create different popularity spikes, most obviously the rather large difference in opinion between the general public and the insular IAM crowd.

[Via Mefi]   Holy ninja hell is this amazing cool (more). I admit that if I ever got into it, you'd have flashbacks of the Dead Like Me episode where the dopey guy gets killed doing it. That's how I move around when I'm dreaming, but I suspect that's more a comment on my intensely fantasy-driven character rather than actual physical skill bubbling under the surface… my brother on the other hand… I don't know if I should tell him about this sport because then I'd have to spend the rest of my life worrying!


Other than that, the two latest shirts have been added to BMEshop (the Kilean in the Jungle shirt was hard to get a good photo of, it's a really subtle shirt). A few people have asked when things like the Hegar Sounds are going to be back in stock. Ryan's going to be unveilling a new shop soon with a totally new engine behind it, and a lot of those things will be timed for that I'm told — the bigger Dittel sets are in stock right now though, although being a larger set they're a little more expensive.

Oh, yeah, and this CIA torture jet story is just kind of creepy, although not that unexpected.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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