WARNING: Coming soon…

Be warned that there are very graphic photos in this entry. If you don't like the stuff in BME/extreme, you should probably look away within a fraction of a second of finishing this sentence or risk being scarred for life.

I'm just wrapping up another image update right now — it's an ear, tongue, and nose extravaganza with just over a thousand images in just those sections. But what I'm about to post are a couple of particulary hardcore pictures from the next BME/extreme update (no date is set for it yet; a few days I suppose).


The left photo is a glansectomy from a friend in Japan (done in a scene no less!), and the right photo is from a friend who was sick and tired of getting ingrown toenails, so he took matters into his own hands… and now no longer has toenails at all. Sorry about the obnoxious text-stamp by the way, I'm just sick of anything I post here being instantly ripped off by some site that just wants to make fun of it and profit from rip-off porn ads in their titlebar.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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