First (thanks to Phil for the tip), there's a copy of the first ModCon book up on eBay right now. It's an incredibly rare hand numbered edition (#371). The book is very dark, mostly full page portraits and then a color section, as well as a VCD (it should play in all DVD players) of the procedures.

I'd also like to mention something about this latest Tsunami disaster around Sri Lanka. I've been seeing a lot of heart warming feelings on people's pages, calls for donations and links to sites happy to take your money. Now, that's all really really nice, but at the same time, somewhat sickening.
There are almost a billion people in this world living in deep enough poverty to have trouble even feeding themselves. With 35.9 million Americans living below the poverty line, and a million homeless (half of them veterans), it's not as if there aren't bigger problems, and closer to home as well if that's an issue. People don't just need help when some catastrophe kills fifty thousand.
Why are you getting all worked up about fifty thousand people dying from an earthquake? Every single day 25,000 children die from easily preventable diseases. Every single day 24,000 people die from hunger. Do they not count?
What does callous Shannon have to say about the Sri Lanka quake? Big fucking deal.
Natural disasters happen. We can't prevent them, and ultimately they kill very few people. Hunger and disease problems in developing countries? That one is directly our fault. We literally created that catastrophe with our aggressive foreign policies, thus we ignore it. If you want to actually help the world, don't waste your money on Sri Lanka. Focus on curing poverty and stopping our first world governments from continually kicking down any nation that tries to climb out of that poverty.
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