Final experience update posted

I've just posted the last experience update of the year with about 150 new stories (a total of 9,081 for the year) — although I've taken the leaderboards offline, so unless you grabbed them about five minutes ago before I deleted them, you're going to have to wait a little to find out who are the top contributors and top reviewers for the year. I will tell you though that for this update the top ten reviewers are:

drip (85), Cerra (79), maryofdoom (70), Mandrake (65), der_narr (63), seahorse girl (59), Enid (42), rebekah (39), Ruby (38), and Don (38).

Thank you as always to the writers and the review team, although I'm sort of thinking that I need to add a spellcheck to the comment system… I get some angry retorts when a story is rejected with comments like “I've read better written nostral experience, read some and get idea on how to write a better experience.” Here are some responses from the last few updates:

pretty lame guys, oh well your probably americans, your country was founded on censorship, print what you want.

Fuck you all my story was fine who gives a shit if "I" put i in lowercase everybody knows what it mean oh and fuck your stupid ass 800 word count thats bullshit anyways by the way whoever said that it is unsafe to strech your ears too fast and ill find that out soon enough can eat my nuts cuz my ears are fine and if nothing to a 2g is too fast for you shitheads whats this whole scalping from nothing to a 00g about yeah so what it was done in my bathroom instead at tattoo shop who cares well what i guess i am saying is that it was stupid of yall to denie me for the reasons yall did and i dont realy give a shit so in all fuck off (oh did you notice there was no capital words and it is all a run on sentence) bitches, love always the 17 yr old punk

god its not school.. i spent time writing this and resubmitted it to what they said and it gets turned down.. its not freakin school .. im done

Gosh how far up their own arses are some of your members? They obviously are so blinkered they have no room for normal people. HOW DARE that arsehole slate my grammar, I am dyslexic and struggled to make 800 words and struggled to write the whole damn thing for bugger all. And you (staff) are just as bad allowing narrow minded bigots say what goes and allow personal comments to be made and then worse still get passed on!

Thank you as well to la negra for another wonderful cover shot — photo by Antonio Florez Gutierrez.

Well, I've got some programming to do this afternoon, and if I can squeeze in the time I really, really want to do some video editing (for myself, not work or BME related)… Since that box is being dismantled temporarily, it might be a little while before I can edit video again so if I can do it now I'd like to… but that's a matter of figuring out how to squeeze it into my insane schedule. One of the sad things about having a lot of “real work” projects is that it affords you so little time to just relax and jam.

Oh, and I have to complete the design of the 2004 year-end shirts!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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