Oh, the irony… I forgot Poland!

A couple entries before this one I talked about the Ukranian election, and commented on how Canada was the first country to recognize the Ukraine's independence. My friend Gosia (that's a picture of her with the text of course) who lives in Lublin, Poland (near the Ukraine border) reminded me that I forgot Poland (who actualyl were the first) and had the following local comments of her own:

OK, so the fucking pro-Russian forces won in the Ukrainian elections… It definately was not fair — come on, facts like 105% people attendace in some regions seem at least QUITE STRANGE. The basic rules of fair elections were broken all the time.


The whole world cares about the circus you call the US Presidential election… A rat race to choose the one who'd rule the world, in which a few guys with IQs far below 100 compete.

Know that there is a poor European country where there is no democracy, and people of political opposition and “NOT-pro-governmental” journalists (even no ANTI, “NOT-pro” is enough!) disappear from time to time. It happens so close to me — the border is about 50 miles from my hometown!

This country is the Ukraine, our Slavic brothers. They had a great chance to become FREE, to get rid of the politicians who are slaves of Russia.

I don't usually like such a vocabulary — “brothers” and so on — but, thou I cannot remember it, it was the same here! Decades under the Russian control, but Poles didn't lose their chance to become “independent”. Ukrainians lost it… for some time at least. I'm afraid that now the “new-old” politicians will take care not to give so much freedom for the opposition. I mean, the opposition had great support to win this election, so now they'll be more under control. I guess the present government will prefer to prevent the situation, which is dangerous for losing their influence.

Election results:
49,7% Janukowycz (pro-russian)
46,7% Juszczenko (opposition)

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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