Fast computers

I've just placed an order request for a new laptop — I say “request” because the company isn't 100% sure they'll have it prepped for me in time for Mexico so I'm just waiting to hear back from them. If not, some of these specs get rolled back a generation… but either way it's more than enough machine to run BME from and do my development and writing work on.

Here are the basic specs (it's better than my current desktop):
  • 3.6 GHz P4, 800 Mhz bus, 1 MB L2 Cache
  • 1 GB RAM (max 4 GB, but I don't need that), 256 MB Video w/HDTV+SVideo out
  • 17″ WSXGA 1680×1025 resolution
  • Dual 80 GB SATA drives in a RAID-1 (mirrored) configuration, DVD-R+CD-R drive
  • 802.11b/g+Bluetooth, TV Tuner, 56K V90/V92Model, Gigabit ethernet
  • 102 key keyboard, touchpad, 5 speaker sound, 7-in-1 cardreader

The company I ordered from was on that was involved with (or was started by, I can't remember) some folks that my father and I used to do development work with, but unfortunately neither of them are still with the company so I didn't get any special treatment.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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