Image update posted

I've just posted a third image update for this week, with I think about 1,800 new pictures which gets me caught up to some time yesterday; thanks to all the submitters for their images and their patience. Thanks also to Spot for the photo of Mothragirl.

I played a little more with the idea in the entry below. For example, in the pictures above you can see images from my $19.99 webcam. The left picture is a normal snapshot, with the settings optimized to give the best image. The image on the right is about a third of a second long video grab compressed into a single frame in an attempt to reduce noise and increase color depth — I could get much better quality with a longer capture, but I'm doing this manually for now so it's smaller framesets I'm working with. The middle image contains both before and after so you can clearly see the difference. Maybe I'll write a free capture tool for this tomorrow so others can use it — then those of you with cheap webcams can take pictures as good as on a digicam twice the price… I think webcams use a standard API so it might not be hard to write.

Anyway, today's update gets me caught up again, so I'm going to try and squeeze in some programming before I have to get on the next one. I'm sure I'll waste some time on the noise-reduction toy, but mostly I'll be adding new functions to IAM.

PS. Watch this music video. It's worth the time.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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