Congratulations all around

First of all, a big congratulations for Jen and Phil who just got engaged (not that it's a surprise). They joined Rachel and Saira and I for dinner — but there was no dramatic toasting or speeches or anything like that… the engagement had already happened under Jen's initiative.

Second of all, big congratulations to us for finding out where we're living when our lease expires at the end of December. It's somewhere we've talked about before, but it had been back-burnered. We hadn't realized this, but it had been cooking well on that back-burner and the bell on the stove just went off.

Anyway, those are some tourist pictures of the city we're living in and its outskirts. It's down at the tip of the Baja California penninsula in Mexico. If you apply for and get the BME internship, that's where it starts, at least for the first six months (I have trouble with roots, much to Rachel's dismay).
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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