Legal stuff

Let me tell you about William Rodriguez (more, more).

On September 11, 2001, William Rodriguez, a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center in Manhattan, single-handedly rescued fifteen people. The only employee with the master key to the North Tower staircases, he led firefighters up the stairs, unlocking doors as he went, aiding in the evacuation of hundreds of additional people who, but for his efforts, might have perished. Although his job description did not include saving lives, Rodriguez re-entered the building three times after the first plane struck, and was the last person to exit the North Tower alive. He survived the collapse of the North Tower by diving beneath a fire truck to avoid the avalanche of concrete and steel. After onsite treatment for his injuries, Rodriguez plunged right back into rescue efforts at the site. At dawn the next morning, Rodriguez returned to Ground Zero from his home in Jersey City, to continue to aid in rescue efforts.

Since then Rodriguez has led the survivors' fight for justice and a proper investigation, and, having seen nothing happen via official channels, has just launched suit (pdf) against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and many more individuals alleging among other things, that the WTC was brought down using strategically placed explosives rather than just the impact and burning of the airliners. A massive conspiracy going back to before the 2000 election fraud is claimed, and with mountains of evidence. Should be an interesting trial, although I suspect it will be almost instantly dismissed.

Other than that, the US just misplaced 380 tons of high explosives in Iraq, which are now assumed to be in insurgent hands (more) to make bombs. Oil is now over $55 a barrel (the highest in history), in part because there's not enough oil to go around, and because of America's crumbling economy, China is able to buy some of the oil that America needs from underneath it (more). This problem is just going to get worse. Oh, and where's all this oil money going? Turns out our good buddies the Saudi's (well, Bush's good buddies anyway) are funneling it to the Iraqi insurgency (more).

Oh, and PayPal is now starting to terminate gay sites (more). Those of you who work outside the adult industry don't know how censorship really works in the modern world (more). While governments make things mostly legal in terms of “right to free speech” and so on, their allies in the credit card and banking industries force adult or socially “difficult” industries pay huge service charges or deny them accounts simply for their content (which is usually perfectly legal). While no law has been broken, and no right has been infringed, because of the monopolistic nature of these payment systems, terminating their support effectively terminates the business.

There's a lot more I'd like to write on this subject but can't post here. If you know me in person, ask me about it (in real life, not online) next time I talk to you.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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