
I mentioned yesterday how the US is throwing Presidential candidates that don't have a stamp of approval from the two mega-corporations-parties, into prison, even though they have the legal support of millions of disenfranchised Americans. To be very clear: the rights of millions of Americans to take part in the political process are being squashed as their candidates sit in prison, banned from speaking to the general public at the national debates.

Here's a piece of related trivia that you may want to add to your roster. It's an interesting fact to think about next time someome blathers on about “Saddam's rape rooms”. A woman in the US military has a far greater chance of being raped by a government employee than a woman living in Iraq. A quarter of women in the US military report being raped by fellow soldiers, and asking them if they've been raped has become a standard part of the discharge process (more).

Oh, and those numbers are from the Department of Veteran's Affairs for those of you who believe that everything I write here is some baseless liberal/libertarian/whatever scourge.

So a “friend of a friend” of mine is at a county fair with his daughter, who is sitting on his shoulders as they walk around. He's approached by a guy, who says to him “don't you think it's a wrong for you to be touching your daughter like that?”

He's a bit confused for a moment, tells the guy to leave him alone, and continues on his way without changing anything. Half an hour later he sees the guy again, and he's got cops with him. He's arrested — turns out the guy he had a run in with was a child protective services officer.

Now he's sitting in prison awaiting trial as a child molester.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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