TV time

First, this article, Jeremy has the biggest cock in Britain is c/o Ronin — it will improve your day. I've got another article to link to as well, Sensual Steel, on “erotic body modification”. I'm quoted, along with others in it. Here's the part with me (hey, it's my diary):

Shannon Larratt, editor and publisher of online body modification publication, explains that it has only been recently that cosmetic surgery has been accepted by mainstream society. In the recent past, performing liposuction and breast implants ostracized a doctor, he says.

"We did eventually collectively decide that making someone more beautiful is a form of medicine and allowed it to go public, but moving toward the cultural norm, as cosmetic surgeons tend to do, is a much smaller step than moving toward a personal ideal that is different from the cultural norm," Larratt says.

He adds that he believes cosmetic surgeons will begin performing hard body modification procedures within the next 10 years.

[Regarding doctors who say people shouldn't have atypical mods]

"What kind of sick person tries to deny another person's private happiness, because it's not what they want to do themselves?" Larratt wonders. "If someone cutting their wiener in half makes them happy, let them -- it's not as if they're telling you that you have to do it as well."

That last quote is a reference to Jon Stewart if you didn't catch it — he made a very similar comment, but about gay marriage. Anyway, other than that I'm painting, making supper, and watching Survivor. Thank the god of television (Hermes that is) that I've got a PVR with a dual tuner — Extreme Makeover tonight (8PM EST) stars XxTHREExX, elisa day, Eroxthis, tattooedgirl, and abaddon (seriously).

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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