Democracy is dead

Jeffrey Dean was the head programmer of Global Election Systems. Jeffrey Dean had also spent time in prison for falsifying computer records, and in 2000 Diebold made him the Vice President of Research and Development and later bought his company.

Thanks to his work for them, by entering a secret two digit code — well known and documented at this point by hacker groups — you can “split” the voting records into a double set of books. To be very clear for a moment: there is no legitimate reason for doing this (and if there was a reason for doing it, it would be documented in their manuals, which it is not). I'll also add that this was designed to be done quickly — vote totals can be changed within six seconds. No paper trail is left (which is also by design). The code to produce the alterable double-books was added in the version of the voting software released Oct. 13, 2000, and has not been removed since.

To repeat: voting machines which will service a huge percentage of all votes in the US have been specifically designed to alter votes in an untraceable fashion.

I just received the following wire from my generous Daddy: "Dear Jack, Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide".
- John F. Kennedy

I'm sure you are also aware that Diebold is a Republican-owned corporation and that its owner has said that his company is “committed to delivering votes to the President”. Up to $750 million dollars has been spent by Bush making sure these machines are installed around the country, and Congress has specifically blocked every attempt by every group to even be heard on the public record on this subject. Also blocked by Congress have been attempts to add paper trails to electronic machines or otherwise make them accountable.

Click here for more info (more)    (2000 FL flash)

This is a very big deal and you should take it seriously. Read those documents and search for more and you will see in very clear terms that the previous election was likely rigged and this next one definitely will be on a massive scale — why do you think now over a dozen members of Congress have begged the UN for election observers?

You now know that this is a President who is willing to lie the nation into war, killing thousands and thousands of people. Do you really think lying about election results is a big deal to these arrogant assholes in comparison?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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