Work hard

The shirts below should be in BMEshop some time in the next few days if not later today. I quite like them as a two-color design… UPDATE: Now in stock

Let's see… Other than that Rachel and I have developed another little group of “anti-fans”. I find that so strange — while I understand that we're “microstars” (as WIRED magazine put it), it's not as if we're all that special. It just seems an odd thing to obsess over us like that. Kind of pathetic in general terms, but I suppose it's flattering in a perverse sort of way that someone would devote so much time and energy to thinking about us and — since many of their statements have no basis in reality — fantasizing about us.

Oh, and here's a scary statistic from an article I'm working on right now: 40% of university students admit to regularly plagiarizing. Maybe I'm confused because I only wanted knowledge and excellence, not a degree, in my own university studies, but given how expensive amd time-consuming it is to go to university, you'd think people would put in the effort to actually make something of it…

Here's the fucked up balance: since grading is now 60% effort (so you can literally fail every test of aptitude but still graduate with a passing grade if you “tried”), the smart but lazy students cheat, and the stupid but hardworking students are given a pass for effort. Only a tiny, tiny, percentage of extremely high performing students rise to the “real” top, and that's the goal: stratification.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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