Something to think about

If you read the story on abuse of immigrants in America below, you may also want to read this interview on how the INS routinely imprisons and tortures people inside US borders. If you are a foreigner visiting America, or even worse, a foreigner dating an American, or someone doing business with US companies, you need to be aware of these issues — most of the people in these torture prisons (200,000 people a year) have committed only the most minor of visa violations… in many cases accidentally, since the average visitor or potential emigree doesn't have an indepth knowledge of immigration law (who does but the lawyers)? It's also important to read because it illustrates in clear terms that the “evil” in the system goes right to the top and that the system will do everything it can to keep it alive, and keep it secret.

Government is not your servant, and it is most definitely not your friend.

And, when it comes right down to it, it's quite likely not even yours.

Well, democracy was a stupid idea anyway, right?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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