BMEZINE suspension rig

I've got a ton of programming to do today, but before my image-update morning injection of six espressos I've been playing with the software over at emachineshop. For those that haven't seen it mentioned in various blogs, it's CAD/CAM software that lets you design stuff on your home PC, and then farms it out to machine shops around the world. So basically if you can imagine it, you can have it made with minimal effort (and not a bad price either).

For example, the stainless steel suspension rig above with full chamfering and buffing, would cost me about $50 to have made in a quantity of ten. I don't have any plans to make those though before you ask — it's a blatant knockoff of the autoclavable suspension rigs designed (and as far as I know invented) by Ron Garza… But the software is really neat, if you've ever done any machining or played with CAD software (or wanted to build a robot), check it out.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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